No two days are the same for Smeeta, as the old cliche goes! But, this is what one of her busy days this week looked like:
9am: Time to hit the phone
I chat with a client to see if a project is feasible given the time and budget available. After a lengthy chat we come to an agreement that works for both parties.
10am: Testing a Mobile App
Our client drops in to see a demo of their mobile app and management tool. It’s great to see the reactions of our clients when we present our work.
11am: A meeting with Laura, our Creative Director
I team up with Laura to work on the functionality and back end process of a project, while Laura focuses on the content and design.
12pm: Time for Lunch
Lunch today is slightly different as it’s Senior Developer, Glenn’s birthday. So we head to a local Thai restaurant for some food and celebrations.
1pm: Briefing members of our team
I brief members of our team on a project for a client in the manufacturing sector. They then add their input to the proposed costs for the build. This two way communication is really important in the planning stages of a project.
3pm: Writing up an agreement
I write up an agreement and send it off to a client to confirm it meets their requirements.
It’s home time! After a busy day Smeeta likes to relax spending time with her family. But, she also feels it’s important to go to the gym twice a week! Read more about the other personalities of Greendog