Imagine a paperless HR department! When we picture this line of work we generally think of contract documents and tax forms stacked above monitors on a work desk. But, In an age so influenced by digital technology, it’s surprising that more HR practices haven’t yet moved to mobile.
Paper based documents are difficult to access, store and edit and there is the risk of sensitive information being viewed from unwanted pair of eyes. So how can mobile technology drive improvements in HR for businesses?
Adobe’s recent research found that 78% of HR managers are left frustrated by managing employee forms. HR managers process thousands of documents each year, with many being delayed when workers lose forms or forget to respond to emails. Mobile technology makes the process of communicating with employees and updating documents much easier for management.
- Customisation: Creating emails and reports from customisable documents saves time and money.
- Automating HR: Data is stored in a document management system so that when an employee leaves an organisation or has to be dismissed, all necessary documentation is collected and potential problems avoided.
- Saving printing costs: HR departments print off thousands of P45, P60 and contract forms yearly. Putting everything on to a digital format saves the cost of ink and paper.
- More control: HR teams can allow or deny the rights for people to annotate documents.